You Tube as the popular Social Media Site
You Tube is gaining its popularity mostly among the teen agers and the youth as this uses both audio and video version of communication. According to a survey conducted on the youth of US, The Future Company came to the conclusion that the You Tube is gaining popularity in these days. Fifty percent of the teens preferred You Tube where only 45.2% loved Facebook.
This inference is quite opposite to the previous year’s conclusion where face book was more favorite among the youth followed by other social media sites. But Facebook is still leading the race with a little aged group of the youth ageing in their twenties. There Facebook is still winning the race with 55% of preference by the youth in their twenties. And the preference is followed by Amazon with 37.5 %. Here too Face Book’s preference by the youth has decreased in comparison to the previous year’s report which was showing Face Book standing at 57.6% and which has fallen down.
So the report for November 2013 says You Tube is the favorite amongst the 50 % of the teenagers followed by Facebook, Amazon, Google, Twitter, and Yahoo.
Facebook redesigns Like and Share buttons for the website
Facebook redesigns the Like and Share button of the website for the convenience of the user. It will be easier for them to use both the buttons simultaneously. It will be adding popularity among the users. It will make people share great messages across the web easily.
Ray He one of the software engineers at Face book is of the opinion that a new design for both the Like and Share help people share more great content across the web.
He further said “We’re already seeing a favorable increase in Likes and Shares with the new design and will be rolling these buttons out to everyone in the coming weeks.”
Facebook has also already brought changes to its logo and the font of its logo.
LinkedIn gets an upgrade for easier access and share of Information. The previous version of LinkdIn7.0 was not compatible with the iPhone/ipod touch and Androids. Now it has been upgraded to go smooth with these versions of phones.
It gives more flexibility to connect, chat, inviting friends to connect with the use of an easily accessible button. Only through scrolling one can get the status updates in the account.
It has also provided easier options like separate browser to read shared information or a shared article without leaving the LinkedIn page. It offers a separate browser within the LinkedIn apps to read shared articles. Within the apps there opens the separate browser which allows browsing the article while the apps is on.
The browser page also offers options for like, share and comment on the shared articles.
Mumbai city stands at the top in internet penetration in India
According to the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI), Mumbai stands at the top when the context is about internet penetration of the mass. Delhi is next to it having the second position and in third stands Hyderabad. Delhi has 8.1 million and Hyderabad having 4.7 million web users.
Last Year Mumbai had 8.3 million users while Delhi saw 6 million web users. The growth is seen from the report of this year which shows Delhi standing at 8.1 million.
In the survey of year-to year increase in internet subscription, Kolkata witnesses 47% growth while Mumbai stands in the second position with 45% growth. Bangalore, Pune and Delhi are following these two cities with an impressive year-on-year growth in web penetration at 43%, 37% and 35%, respectively.
By 2014 India will be in Second for its Internet users
India is standing behind China and US in its internet users. While China is having 300 million users, US show a number for 207 million internet users. India is expected to reach with 205 million uses in October 2013. According to a report released by the Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) and IMRB International India will be reaching 213 million towards the end of 2013. Towards the end of 2013, Urban India will be having 141 million users while rural India will show 72million internet users.
The number of internet users are rapidly increasing and by mid of 2014, the number will reach 243 million beating the number of internet users in US. US moving with slower rate of growth will be overtaken by India and it will stand as the second largest internet base in the world.
Make your profile reach people with your Google+ Vanity URL
Googel+ vanity URL has been on air from 30th October. This is the best replacement for the long string of numbers in the URL of your social media account. You can replace this long random number with your name.
Doing so will benefit you in many ways. You can be easily reached at your URL as typing your name can bring the URL. You will be having better SEO results as your URL will be having your real name. So when people will be searching for your name, your URL will be coming at the higher in the search engine result page.
But for having your own vanity URL, your profile page must qualify for this with following eligibility:
- Your profile page must have 10 or more followers
- It must exist for more than 30 days.
- It must have a photo added to the profile.
- For local Google+ page, it must have a verified business.
- Other than local pages, there must be a website attached to the profile page.