There are many small business focused on products and services in the local market. We have helped many business to rank in top 5 of Google local listing by simple optimization techniques. Here is seo to-do-list list for Google local optimization. I will suggest you to do it yourself to improve Google local search results.
- In Google local listing use a seo friendly name for your business. Try to include your business type in the name. Add your trageted keywords and city name in your business name, title and description.
- Invite your users to give you reviews in Google locals. Try to get high number of positive reviews for your services. It is always better to have good ratings for your local reviews.
- Use a local phone number that is phone number with local STD code.
- Use correct categories. You can use Google auto suggested 5 categories that is best match with your business.
- Google give more importance to businesses close to the city centers. You are expected to rank higher if you are close to Google’s perceived city center.
- Add new coupons for your local customer regularly with in-built Google local functionality.
- Use social media to inform your trageted user base about contests, discount coupons and how they can avail your products and services.
- Use your logo with business name as the image name. Add relevant images and videos to make your listing interesting and prominent.
- Get listed in maximum number local directories, yellow pages in your city.
- Do quality link building on daily basis to improve page rank and domian authority.